In a grievous incident on Tuesday night, a severe two-vehicle collision claimed the life of a teenager and left four others with varying injuries in Playa Del Rey. Authorities report that the crash occurred just before 7:55 p.m. on the 8800 block of Vista Del Mar, near Dockweiler Beach.
The Los Angeles Fire Department disclosed that upon arrival, emergency crews employed hydraulic rescue tools to extricate victims trapped within the wreckage. Survivors were quickly assessed, and paramedics transported four individuals to a local hospital. Among the injured, three are reportedly in critical condition, with one other being described as stable.
Details regarding the circumstances that led to the head-on crash remain undisclosed at this point. LAPD officers have taken over the scene and are conducting an in-depth investigation to determine the series of events causing the tragedy. The identity of the deceased, a 17-year-old, has not been released pending notification of kin.
Authorities are urging witnesses or anyone with information about the accident to come forward and assist in the ongoing investigation, as the LAPD seeks to piece together this fatal event. The area surrounding the crash site was closed for a duration to facilitate emergency services and accident reconstruction, which has since been cleared.
Source: CBS Los Angeles