In a tragic incident in the upscale Bel Air neighborhood of Los Angeles, a construction worker lost his life after being crushed by a forklift on Monday. Los Angeles Fire Department officials confirmed the fatality, which occurred at approximately 1:00 PM at a residential construction site located on the 900 block of North Moraga Drive.
The Los Angeles city fire crews arrived promptly at the scene following reports of an individual pinned beneath a forklift that was transporting steel rebar. On arrival, emergency responders assessed the victim’s condition and determined that the worker had already passed away due to the injuries sustained in the accident.
Footage captured from the scene showed firefighters working meticulously to secure the area around the accident, facilitating the medical examiner’s task of recovering the deceased worker’s body. The efforts underscored the first responders’ commitment to handling the aftermath of the accident with the utmost care and respect for the victim.
Source: KTLA Los Angeles