In a tragic incident on Saturday, a fatal car accident occurred at the intersection of Avenue J-8 and 20th Street East in Lancaster, as reported by the local authorities. At approximately 9:42 a.m., an SUV was identified running through a red light, leading to a catastrophic collision with another vehicle. Detective Ryan Ament, affiliated with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Lancaster station, provided details concerning the crash.
The initial findings suggested that the operator of a Mitsubishi Outlander, heading south on 20th Street East, failed to stop at the traffic signal, directly striking an Infiniti G35 traveling west on Avenue J-8. The impact proved deadly as a female passenger in the Infiniti was violently thrown from the vehicle. Additional occupants of that vehicle endured entrapment within the wreckage.
Emergency services promptly responded to the distressing scene. The ejected passenger was urgently conveyed to a hospital facility for medical attention. Despite the rapid response and treatment attempts, she was eventually declared deceased at the institution. The severity of the accident prompted further investigations.
As Detective Ament noted, “The cause of the collision is still being investigated,” he also made clear that speed was not suspected to be a contributing factor to the mishap. Nonetheless, the investigation remains open as to whether substances such as alcohol or drugs might have influenced the occurrence.
Source: NBC Southern California